Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2019

zenuari days 8-14, DivaChallenge #382

Hello again! Today I want to show you more of "zenuari2019". I am really grateful to have that chance for new expiriences in zentangle. So let's start.

Day 8: "No border."

tangles ratoon, tripoli, quandary, fescu, icantoo

Day 9: "new to me tangles"
tangles dragonair and fescu

Day 10: "nametangle"

I've got a doubled name, first part beginning with -a-, sondern with -n-, so I've done an "am"-string and filled in with tangles beginning with -a- and -m-. alien crest by Gael Shepherd, agni by LilyMoon, allium by JJ LaBarbera, and by Sandra Harsveld, mariposa by Linda Farmer, meer by zentangle, mofins by Betsy Wilson, Mr. E by Shawn Hayden

Day 11: "unusual string"
I did the string with my embossing powder and did the tangling using my  zentangle spinner. Flux, florz, jetties, printemps, scena, mooka, divadance rock'n'roll, arukas and n'zepple, all by zentangle HQ.

Day 12: "Grid tangles only!"
Japan Diamond by Laura Lin, Dreamdex by Debbie New, Persian Triangles by Neil Burley, Trickle by Tom&Ela Rieger

Day 13: "byob"
Printemps with weighted ließ as show by Jo Quincey 

Day 14: "idol tangles"
This tile is dedicated to Katharina Königsbauer-Kolb. Her book brought me to the road of zentangle in 2017, and I'm on it yet. Thank you! Can't wait to get to know you in may!
Tangles frunky, edstar, trident, papix, victeur and ottidotti all by Katharina Königsbauer-Kolb.

And here is the next DivaChallenge: #382: "  stripes o plenty "

Tangles meer, zenith, pokeleaf, printemps, centipede, shattuck, static

Have I mentioned, that my car broke down monday before christmas? You can't imagine,  what that ment to me! Bringing our christmas tree to our home WALKING and carrying Quarta same time, taking Tertia to kindergarden by tram, doing christmas shopping for meals for 6 persons on my own without a car, wich is for transport all the stuff?! I was so exhausted! Well, that's why I'm thrilled by presenting our new car. Yes, new. Never thought, I would buy a new car ever, but after having 4 really old cars in less than 2 years, I've had enough. It's a "dacia lodgy stepway" with 7 seats. And yes, it's cold out there!

As always: Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.
Yours, anmato.

5 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful tiles! Congratulations on the new car!

  2. That Diva tile is beautiful and shining.

  3. Lovely Diva tile and also your tiles for Zenuari are stunning, especially day 13 is my fave, uncomplicated but very special and it has a wonderful shine!

  4. Beautiful Diva tile and all the other tiles. Happy driving in your new car!!!
